Your Feelings Matters!!

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In today’s world where everyone is looking for money, luxury and all materialistic things; feelings have taken a back seat in the life. Tears can easily be seen in the eyes of grandparents while watching an emotional moment on television; but today, people even do not look toward the corpse lying beside the road!

Life has became more materialistic than emotional while truth is that life is only about emotions. If you have no emotions than you do not deserve to be known as a living being. There are three kind of people in this world: first, who do not feel at all, they run only behind luxuries and never get true happiness in world. Second are those, who feel but never express their emotions. They feel more than normal people but never says their emotions. Even in their dream, they can never hurt anyone but if someone get a little pain, they blame themself for the pain. Third are those, who express their emotions to everyone. They do bother what other will think, they just express. They do not carry any load over their heart. Very charming, enjoying and clean hearted people. But reality is that these people reaches in second stage soon because of this world. They get defeated by their own emotions because they can not find even a single person alike them.

Emotions are deep and subtle and it is also the foundation of every relation. People say, we come and go alone from earth. But it is also truth that we come along with relations and leave many relations here. There is no way to leave the emotion. May be we do not want to express, but they remain inside us.

Written by

Saurabh Agarwal

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