Communication Between Animals

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Humans communicate with words to express ourself. We use our tongue to articulate words and body gesture to convey our thoughts. Using a large number of words and many languages, we can tell complex stories and situations. How about animals? Do they have languages like humans to express their emotions? Lets explore this aspect….


Animals communicate by using a variety of signs such as sounds or movements. Those soounds or action may look peculiar to us but they are as usual as we do in our daily life. Animals speak a wide variety of languages that are in fact innumerable. This, of course, is also dependent on the type of species and the type of environment.


Chimpanjees are one of the intelligent species that can mimic human actions. In the wild, chimpanzees have been seen “talking” to each other, when signalling the danger. For example, if one chimpanzee sees a snake; he makes a low, rumbling noise, signalling for all the other chimps to climb into nearby trees.

Chimpanjees are one of the intelligent species that can mimic human actions.
Humans and chimpanzees share 95 to 98 percent of the same DNA


Some Animals can give messages by chemicals. For example, the Queen ant orders its workers on what to do by producing chemicals. It rubs it to the workers using pheromones and than workers relay the message to others. It ranges from simple community activities to territorial conquest.


Some animals tend to acquire horrible appearances in order to frighten their predators to avoid eating them. Adversely, some animals like peacock changes their gesture to attract the mates.

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