Habits that are Killing Our Time

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We all know, time is precious. But still we have a bad habit to ignore the way we kill it. Are we aware how some of our daily activities are nothing but a waste of time? They have been gnawing at our time, and we perhaps did not even realise! These habits can be avoided easily. Let’s see, if you have any one…


This is very common and we know it. It often happens that we do not want to do something even if we are well aware that it has to be done. So we sit around, do random things just to “do it later”. Later when it gets late and the deadline is on our head, the thought that it could have easily been completed earlier, becomes null and void, giving us guilt. So it is best to get done with it sooner and this way you will indeed become more efficient.

Social media

One or two random videos which have no value addition, are fine, but you do realise how time flies by and you end up spending hours on a phone or laptop screen. Later you realise how much time you have wasted which could have easily been utilized for other activities. It is best to set aside perhaps a max of 30 minutes where you can catch up with what’s trending on social media.

Doing other’s work

No one will help you compensate for the time you lost! Helping other’s is a good habit and you should do it as well. But priorities never remain the same. So it is better to prioritize the things which should be done either it comes to help or your own work. What we are saying is that you should help others, it is good, but finish your own work first unless it is an emergency. Tell your friend a time, or set aside some minutes to work for others.

Lack of organization

When you are done using something, keep it back where it came from. If you do not, you do end up wasting time putting it back later when everything piles up. So it is best to maintain the pile, keep everything where it was and declutter every once in a while. This will simply make it easier for you to find things when you need them the most.

Entertaining toxic people

Remember, you can never change someone’s views or thoughts so stop wasting your a lot of time in handling others. If you know that the person you are right now engaging with is a negative and toxic human, then why waste time on them? It does nothing but increase negativity, adds nothing to your persona and drains you enough.

Have time for yourself

Most of the time, people engage in such jobs which are not of their interest but due to conditions they must have to do them. In those scenario it becomes vital to have a few hours for yourself, with yourself.

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