Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Anxiety

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In modern society, Sleep deprivation became a common problem , resulting in many health issues. When an individual experiences disruption in sleep patterns by staying awake due to various reasons, it results in sleep deprivation which later changes into sleep anxiety. Its natural habit o animals to go to sleep in night. Animals along with human feel energetic after a good sleep. However, some people become anxious just from the name of sleep.

There are many reasons for sleep anxiety:

  • Elders, for example, get sleep anxiety because they think they are not sleeping enough. We consider it as a job and think, enough sleep is necessary to make everything work perfectly.
  • Chronic Nightmare also become troublesome and results in sleep anxiety. If a single disturbing dream starts to come again and again, it starts to affect people’s day along with night. They starts to frighten from sleeping.
  • Sleep Apnea ( Fear of breathe stopping during sleep), It is rare but once people have this; they fear from their own breathe.

If we look into the aforesaid mentioned reasons of sleep anxiety, we find that the common thing is fear. Your fear not only results in train of negative mental thoughts, it also affects your body adversely.

Overthinking for anything results in big problems!
Overthinking for anything results in big problems!

How to deal with it?

  • Keeping the sleeping room clean and dark
  • Avoid exercise before going to bed
  • Reduce the intake of caffeine
  • Go to bed at same time
  • Keep boring books with you
  • Review your medication with doctor
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Relax yourself
  • If you don’t sleep within 20 minutes of falling in bed, go out of bed and relax
  • Limit your screen time and spend time in nature
Peace is the key of every problem.
Peace is the key of every problem.

Occasional changes in sleep patterns are usually not a matter of concern. Yet, continued inadequacy of sleep can result in low productivity, lack of focus, tiredness, obesity, emotional complexities and a reduced perception of the quality of life. A few preventive measures and a certain amount of care should be taken to prevent sleep deprivation and anxiety.

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