• Origin of Life

    Origin of life on earth always remained a question for us. In this regard various thoughts and theories have been proposed by a number of minds. Let’s learn a few of them:

  • Music as a Therapy

    We all love music. Whether it is emotional, inspirational, romantic or anyone, music is an inseparable part of our life. But do we know, it can be used as a therapy for treatment!! Let’s learn about it:

  • Your Feelings Matters!!

    In today’s world where everyone is looking for money, luxury and all materialistic things; feelings have taken a back seat in the life. Tears can easily be seen in the eyes of grandparents while watching an emotional moment on television;…

  • Various Kind of Love

    Love is complex. A mix of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person. Nowadays, Love stories are common but why their exists difference in every love story? It is due…

  • Various Type of Farming

    Technological world is taking big leap in the past century. Its effect has also been observed over the farming. New ways of cropping and farming are being developed, continuously. Some of them are: Urban Farming: Urban farming is simply producing…

  • Weather Related Phobias

    Fear exist in the nature of animal. Some people fear from ghost , some fear from dangerous animals. Here we brought some different kind of phobias: Ancraophobia: Fear of Wind Wind has many forms, some of which are quite pleasant…

  • Plants to Repel Mosquitoes and Bugs

    As Dengue cases are on rise, it is necessary to keep them away from your home. Here we are providing some natural way to help you in getting rid of these mosquito bites: Catnip – While cats may love catnip,…

  • Lichens: An Important Part of Ecosystem

    Many people think lichens look like plants However, scientists say they’re part of the fungus kingdom. That’s because lichens are composite organisms that always include at least one fungus and one alga. In some cases, three separate organisms might come…

  • Why Sunflower Always Face Sun?

    Sunflower which got its name from sun, always faces the sun. But why? Why do sunflowers move their blooms to always face the sun over the course of a day? First, it is partially true. Once sunflowers reach maturity, they…

  • Reproduction in Sharks

    Sharks invest a lot of energy into producing a few, well-developed young. Who have a good chance of survival. Shark population have been falling sharply due to human activities. 16 out of 31 oceanic shark species are either critically endangered…

  • How Animals View the World

    Explanations and thoughts of what we see can be different but we all see same nature. Reflections of light enters in our eyes and eyes coverts that reflection into an image. We have 3 type of color detecting cells, called…

  • Amazing Species

    Our amazing nature includes a huge number of species. Species is a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature. In this sense, a species is the biggest gene pool possible under natural conditions. For instance, different spiders may look different but,…

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